Analyzing Word Pairs With Temporal Drift

By: Adam Li

Now that I've analyzed word pairs between various groups of word pairs (e.g. different, reverse, probe overlap, target overlap and same group), it seems that I need to:

  1. reduce the dimensionality of my frequency, time and channel domain
  2. manage the temporal drift effect of my data across experimental blocks

In [1]:
# Import Necessary Libraries
import numpy as np

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.spatial import distance as Distance

# pretty charting
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
######## Load in EVENTS struct to find correct events
eventsDir = '../NIH034/behavioral/paRemap/' + 'events.mat'

events =
events = events['events']

# print number of incorrect events and which words they belonged to
incorrectIndices = events['isCorrect'] == 0
incorrectEvents = events[incorrectIndices]
incorrectWords = []
wordList = {}
for i in range(0, len(incorrectEvents)):

for word in np.unique(incorrectEvents['probeWord']):
    wordList[str(word)] = sum(incorrectWords == word)
print "There were ",len(incorrectEvents), " number of incorrect events."
print "The list of incorrect probe words: \n", wordList
# get only correct events
correctIndices = events['isCorrect'] == 1
events = events[correctIndices]

print "\nThis is the length of the events struct with only correct responses: ", len(events)

There were  49  number of incorrect events.
The list of incorrect probe words: 
{"[u'PANTS']": 7, "[u'JUICE']": 8, "[u'BRICK']": 12, "[u'CLOCK']": 13, "[u'GLASS']": 9}

This is the length of the events struct with only correct responses:  1431

Different Word Groups

The struct from MATLAB has

  • data.powerMatZ = thisPowMat;
  • data.chanNum = thisChan;
  • data.chanStr = thisChanStr;
  • data.probeWord = THIS_TRIGGER;
  • data.targetWord = targetWord;
  • data.timeZero = 45;
  • data.vocalization = data.timeZero + round([metaEvents.responseTime]/Overlap);

Input: A list of directories that correspond to each session and block #. Within each directory there is a list of word pairs available from that sessionBlock and structs that represent the data from each channel.

Either the words are completely different, reversed, probe overlap, target overlap, or completely the same


  1. Analyze block 0/1, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 (5 total)
  2. Loop through each channel:
    • extract probewords, targetwords, Z scored power matrix, channel #, channel string, time zero(probe on), vocalization
  3. Create Feature Vectors
    • extract delta, theta and high gamma frequencies
    • run ANOVA on each time/freq window
    • compute a threshold to include channel for feature vector
  4. Plot Histogram of Distances From the Other's centroid

In [3]:
######## Get list of files (.mat) we want to work with ########
filedir = '../condensed_data/robustspec_blocks/'
sessions = os.listdir(filedir)
sessions = sessions[2:]
print "Blocks are: \n", os.listdir(filedir+sessions[0])

# functions for finding the different groups of word pairings
def find_reverse(wordpair, groups):
    # split wordpair and reverse
    wordsplit = wordpair.split('_')
    reverseword = '_'.join(wordsplit)
    # find index of reversed word index
        reverseword_index = groups.index(reverseword)
        reverseword_index = -1
    return reverseword_index
def find_different(wordpair, groups):
    # split wordpair and reverse
    wordsplit = wordpair.split('_')    
    differentword_index = []
    for idx, group in enumerate(groups):
        groupsplit = group.split('_')
        if not any(x in groupsplit for x in wordsplit):
    # convert to single number if a list
    if len(differentword_index) == 1:
        differentword_index = differentword_index[0]
    return differentword_index

def find_probe(wordpair, groups):
    # split wordpair and reverse
    wordsplit = wordpair.split('_')    
    probeword_index = []
    # loop through group of words to check word pair in
    for idx, group in enumerate(groups):
        groupsplit = group.split('_')
        # check if probe word overlaps
        if wordsplit[0] == groupsplit[0] and wordsplit[1] != groupsplit[1]:
    # convert to single number if a list
    if len(probeword_index) != 1 and probeword_index:
        print probeword_index
        print "problem in find probe"
    elif not probeword_index: # if no probe words overlap
        probeword_index = -1
        probeword_index = probeword_index[0]
    return probeword_index

def find_target(wordpair, groups):
    # split wordpair and reverse
    wordsplit = wordpair.split('_')    
    targetword_index = []
    # loop through group of words to check word pair in
    for idx, group in enumerate(groups):
        groupsplit = group.split('_')
        # check if target word overlaps
        if wordsplit[1] == groupsplit[1] and wordsplit[0] != groupsplit[0]:
    # convert to single number if a list
    if len(targetword_index) != 1 and targetword_index:
        print targetword_index
        print "problem in find target"
    elif not targetword_index: # if no target words overlap
        targetword_index = -1
        targetword_index = targetword_index[0]
    return targetword_index

def find_same(wordpair, groups):
    # split wordpair and reverse
    wordsplit = wordpair.split('_')    
        sameword_index = groups.index(wordpair)
        sameword_index = -1
    return sameword_index

def inGroup(group, names):
    for i in range(0, len(group)):
        if cmpT(group[i],names):
            return True
    return False

def cmpT(t1, t2): 
    return sorted(t1) == sorted(t2)

Blocks are: 
['BLOCK_0', 'BLOCK_1', 'BLOCK_2', 'BLOCK_3', 'BLOCK_4', 'BLOCK_5']

In [48]:
### Functions to help extract features and plot histogram of distances
# loops through each wordpairing group and extract features
def extractFeatures(wordgroup, session, blockone, blocktwo):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.5*len(wordgroup), 3))
    for idx, pair in enumerate(wordgroup):
        # load in data
        first_wordpair_dir = firstblock_dir + '/' + pair[0]
        second_wordpair_dir = secondblock_dir + '/' + pair[1]

        # initialize np arrays for holding feature vectors for each event
        first_pair_features = []
        second_pair_features = []

        # load in channels
        first_channels = os.listdir(first_wordpair_dir)
        second_channels = os.listdir(second_wordpair_dir)
        # loop through channels
        for jdx, chans in enumerate(first_channels):
            first_chan_file = first_wordpair_dir + '/' + chans
            second_chan_file = second_wordpair_dir + '/' + chans

            # load in data
            data_first =
            data_first = data_first['data']
            data_second =
            data_second = data_second['data']

            ## 06: get the time point for probeword on
            first_timeZero = data_first['timeZero'][0][0][0]
            second_timeZero = data_second['timeZero'][0][0][0]

            ## 07: get the time point of vocalization
            first_vocalization = data_first['vocalization'][0][0][0]
            second_vocalization = data_second['vocalization'][0][0][0]

            ## Power Matrix
            first_matrix = data_first['powerMatZ'][0][0]
            second_matrix = data_second['powerMatZ'][0][0]
            first_matrix = first_matrix[:, freq_bands,:]
            second_matrix = second_matrix[:, freq_bands,:]

#             print first_matrix.shape
#             print second_matrix.shape
            ### 02: get only the time point before vocalization
            first_mean = []
            second_mean = []
            for i in range(0, len(first_vocalization)):
                # either go from timezero -> vocalization, or some other timewindow
                first_mean.append(np.mean(first_matrix[i,:,first_timeZero:first_vocalization[i]], axis=1))
#                     first_mean.append(np.ndarray.flatten(first_matrix[i,:,first_vocalization[i]-num_time_windows:first_vocalization[i]]))
            for i in range(0, len(second_vocalization)):
                second_mean.append(np.mean(second_matrix[i,:,second_timeZero:second_vocalization[i]], axis=1))
#                     second_mean.append(np.ndarray.flatten(second_matrix[i,:,second_vocalization[i]-num_time_windows:second_vocalization[i]]))

            # create feature vector for each event
            if jdx == 0:
                first_pair_features = np.squeeze(np.array(first_pair_features))
                second_pair_features = np.squeeze(np.array(second_pair_features))
                first_pair_features = np.concatenate((first_pair_features, first_mean), axis=1)
                second_pair_features = np.concatenate((second_pair_features, second_mean), axis=1)
        # end of loop through channels
        # compute paired distances between each feature matrix
        first_hist, second_hist = computePairDistances(first_pair_features, second_pair_features)
        ## Plotting Paired Distances
        plt.subplot(1, len(wordgroup), idx+1)
#         plt.subplot(1, 5, )
        plt.hist(first_hist, label=pair[0])
        plt.hist(second_hist, label=pair[1])
        plt.ylim([0.0, 6.0])
#         plt.xlim([0.0, 0.5])
        plt.title(session + ' comparing ' + pair[0] + '(' + str(len(first_pair_features)) +') vs '+ pair[1] + '(' + str(len(second_pair_features)) +')')
        print "Shape of feature vector might be ", first_pair_features.shape, ' and ', second_pair_features.shape
def computePairDistances(first_mat, second_mat):
    first_centroid = np.mean(first_mat, axis=0)
    second_centroid = np.mean(second_mat, axis=0)
    if np.isnan(first_mat).any() or np.isinf(first_mat).any():
        print first_mat
    # compute pairwise distance to other centroid
    first_distances = np.array([distances(x, second_centroid) for x in first_mat])
    second_distances = np.array([distances(x, first_centroid) for x in second_mat])
    return first_distances, second_distances

Data Processing

Go through and collect lists of word_pairs that are associated with one of the groups defined: same, reverse, probe, target, different.

Then I can go through each group listing and analyze the data correspondingly. Obviously this depends on the matlab dirs being saved in a certain manner: '/blocks/sessions/blocks/wordpairs/channels'

In [49]:
anova_threshold = 90   # how many channels we want to keep
distances = Distance.euclidean # define distance metric to use
num_time_windows = 5
# freq_bands = [0, 1, 5]
freq_bands = np.arange(0,7,1)

freq_labels = ['delta', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta', 'low gamma', 'high gamma', 'HFO']
print freq_bands
print [freq_labels[i] for i in freq_bands]

print "The length of the feature vector for each channel will be: ", num_time_windows*len(freq_bands)

[0 1 2 3 4 5 6]
['delta', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta', 'low gamma', 'high gamma', 'HFO']
The length of the feature vector for each channel will be:  35

In [50]:
######## Get list of files (.mat) we want to work with ########
filedir = '../condensed_data/robustspec_blocks/'
sessions = os.listdir(filedir)
sessions = sessions[2:]

# loop through each session
for session in sessions:
    print "Analyzing session ", session
    sessiondir = filedir + session
    # get all blocks for this session
    blocks = os.listdir(sessiondir)
    if len(blocks) != 6: # error check on the directories
        print blocks
        print("Error in the # of blocks. There should be 5.")
    # loop through each block one at a time, analyze
    for i in range(0, 5):
        print "Analyzing block ", blocks[i], ' and ', blocks[i+1]
        firstblock = blocks[i]
        secondblock = blocks[i+1]
        firstblock_dir = sessiondir+'/'+firstblock
        secondblock_dir = sessiondir+'/'+secondblock
        # in each block, get list of word pairs from first and second block
        first_wordpairs = os.listdir(sessiondir+'/'+firstblock)
        second_wordpairs = os.listdir(sessiondir+'/'+secondblock)
        diff_word_group = []
        reverse_word_group = []
        probe_word_group = []
        target_word_group = []
        same_word_group = []
        print first_wordpairs
        print second_wordpairs
        #### plot meta information about which session and blocks we're analyzing
        axes = plt.gca()
        ymin, ymax = axes.get_ylim()
        xmin, xmax = axes.get_xlim()
        plt.text((xmax-xmin)/4.5, (ymax-ymin)/2, r'Session %s %scomparing %s vs. %s'%(session, '\n',firstblock, secondblock), fontsize=20)
        plt.title(session + ' comparing blocks: ' + firstblock + ' vs. ' + secondblock)
        # go through first block and assign pairs to different groups
        for idx, pair in enumerate(first_wordpairs):
#             print "Analyzing ", pair
            # obtain indices of: sameword, reverseword, differentwords, probeoverlap, targetoverlap
            same_word_index = find_same(pair, second_wordpairs)
            reverse_word_index = find_reverse(pair, second_wordpairs)
            diff_word_index = find_different(pair, second_wordpairs)
            probe_word_index = find_probe(pair, second_wordpairs)
            target_word_index = find_target(pair, second_wordpairs)
            # append to list groupings holding pairs of these word groupings
            if same_word_index != -1 and not inGroup(same_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[same_word_index]]):
                same_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[same_word_index]])
            if reverse_word_index != -1 and not inGroup(reverse_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[reverse_word_index]]): 
                reverse_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[reverse_word_index]])
            if diff_word_index != -1:
                if isinstance(diff_word_index, list): # if list, break it down and one pairing at a time
                    for diffI in diff_word_index:     # loop through each different word index
                        if not inGroup(diff_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[diffI]]):
                            diff_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[diffI]])
                    diff_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[diff_word_index]])
            if probe_word_index != -1 and not inGroup(probe_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[probe_word_index]]): 
                probe_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[probe_word_index]])
            if target_word_index != -1 and not inGroup(target_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[target_word_index]]):
                target_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[target_word_index]])
        # end of loop through word pairs
    # end of loop through block
        print same_word_group
        print reverse_word_group
        print probe_word_group
        print target_word_group
        print diff_word_group[0:2]
        #### Go through each group and extract the feature data per event
        ## 01: Same Word Group
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 3))
        extractFeatures(same_word_group, session, firstblock, secondblock)
        extractFeatures(reverse_word_group, session, firstblock, secondblock)
        extractFeatures(probe_word_group, session, firstblock, secondblock)
        extractFeatures(target_word_group, session, firstblock, secondblock)
        extractFeatures(diff_word_group[0:2], session, firstblock, secondblock)
#     break

Analyzing session  session_1
Analyzing block  BLOCK_0  and  BLOCK_1
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (17, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (18, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (18, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Analyzing block  BLOCK_1  and  BLOCK_2
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (17, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (18, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (17, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (17, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Analyzing block  BLOCK_2  and  BLOCK_3
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (18, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (18, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Analyzing block  BLOCK_3  and  BLOCK_4
Shape of feature vector might be  (18, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (18, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Analyzing block  BLOCK_4  and  BLOCK_5
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (18, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Analyzing session  session_2
Analyzing block  BLOCK_0  and  BLOCK_1
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (20, 672)
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Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Analyzing block  BLOCK_1  and  BLOCK_2
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
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Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Analyzing block  BLOCK_2  and  BLOCK_3
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
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Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Analyzing block  BLOCK_3  and  BLOCK_4
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (18, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
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Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (18, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Analyzing block  BLOCK_4  and  BLOCK_5
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (19, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (20, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (18, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
Shape of feature vector might be  (20, 672)  and  (19, 672)
/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning: converting an array with ndim > 0 to an index will result in an error in the future
/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning: converting an array with ndim > 0 to an index will result in an error in the future
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x121eece90>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x12316e3d0>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x125264c90>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x12593f650>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x121e4b590>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x11eb610d0>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x124ce9f50>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x120f0cf50>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x101d1a910>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x11eedb810>

Classification Analysis

Since the distributions of distances don't seem to separate, I was going to analyze the accuracy of classification analysis on the distributions.

Electrode layout:

1,32;       % G     (left temporal grid)
33,38;      % TT        (left temporal tip)
39,42;      % OF        (left orbitofrontal)
43,46;      % AST       (left anterior subtemporal)
47,50;      % MST       (left middle subtemporal)
51,54;      % PST       (left posterior subtemporal)
55,60;      % IO        (left inferior occipital)
61,66;      % MO        (left left middle occipital)
67,72;      % SO        (left superior occipital)
73,80;      % PP        (left posterior parietal)
81,86;      % LP        (left lateral parietal)
87,90;      % PPST      (left posterior posterior subtemporal)
91,96;      % LF        (left lateral frontal)

Use sklearn to perform recursive feature selection

In [34]:
from sklearn import cross_validation
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.cross_validation import LeaveOneOut
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis

from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold

In [39]:
np.random.seed(12345678)  # for reproducibility, set random seed

names = ["Nearest Neighbors", "Linear SVM", "Random Forest",
         "Linear Discriminant Analysis", "Quadratic Discriminant Analysis",
        "Logistic Regression"]

classifiers = [
    SVC(kernel="linear", C=0.5),
    RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=5, n_estimators=10, max_features=1),

In [40]:
anova_threshold = 90   # how many channels we want to keep
distances = Distance.cosine # define distance metric to use
num_time_windows = 5
# freq_bands = [0, 1]
freq_bands = np.arange(0,7,1)

freq_labels = ['delta', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta', 'low gamma', 'high gamma', 'HFO']
print freq_bands
print [freq_labels[i] for i in freq_bands]

print "The length of the feature vector for each channel will be: ", num_time_windows*len(freq_bands)

[0 1 2 3 4 5 6]
['delta', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta', 'low gamma', 'high gamma', 'HFO']
The length of the feature vector for each channel will be:  35

In [43]:
# loops through each wordpairing group and extract features
def extractFeatures_cla(wordgroup, session, blockone, blocktwo):
    # load in data
    first_wordpair_dir = firstblock_dir + '/' + wordgroup[0]
    second_wordpair_dir = secondblock_dir + '/' + wordgroup[1]

    # initialize np arrays for holding feature vectors for each event
    first_pair_features = []
    second_pair_features = []

    # load in channels
    first_channels = os.listdir(first_wordpair_dir)
    second_channels = os.listdir(second_wordpair_dir)
    # loop through channels
    for jdx, chans in enumerate(first_channels):
        first_chan_file = first_wordpair_dir + '/' + chans
        second_chan_file = second_wordpair_dir + '/' + chans

        # load in data
        data_first =
        data_first = data_first['data']
        data_second =
        data_second = data_second['data']

        ## 06: get the time point for probeword on
        first_timeZero = data_first['timeZero'][0][0][0]
        second_timeZero = data_second['timeZero'][0][0][0]

        ## 07: get the time point of vocalization
        first_vocalization = data_first['vocalization'][0][0][0]
        second_vocalization = data_second['vocalization'][0][0][0]

        ## Power Matrix
        first_matrix = data_first['powerMatZ'][0][0]
        second_matrix = data_second['powerMatZ'][0][0]
        first_matrix = first_matrix[:, freq_bands,:]
        second_matrix = second_matrix[:, freq_bands,:]

        ### 02: get only the time point before vocalization
        first_mean = []
        second_mean = []
        for i in range(0, len(first_vocalization)):
            # either go from timezero -> vocalization, or some other timewindow
#             first_mean.append(np.mean(first_matrix[i,:,first_timeZero:first_vocalization[i]], axis=1))
            first_mean.append(np.mean(first_matrix[i,:,first_vocalization[i]-num_time_windows:first_vocalization[i]], axis=1))
        for i in range(0, len(second_vocalization)):
#             second_mean.append(np.mean(second_matrix[i,:,second_timeZero:second_vocalization[i]], axis=1))
            second_mean.append(np.mean(second_matrix[i,:,second_vocalization[i]-num_time_windows:second_vocalization[i]], axis=1))

        # create feature vector for each event
        if jdx == 0:
            first_pair_features = np.squeeze(np.array(first_pair_features))
            second_pair_features = np.squeeze(np.array(second_pair_features))
            first_pair_features = np.concatenate((first_pair_features, first_mean), axis=1)
            second_pair_features = np.concatenate((second_pair_features, second_mean), axis=1)
    # end of loop through channels
    return first_pair_features, second_pair_features

In [46]:
######## Get list of files (.mat) we want to work with ########
filedir = '../condensed_data/robustspec_blocks/'
sessions = os.listdir(filedir)
sessions = sessions[2:]


# loop through each session
for sdx, session in enumerate(sessions):
    print "Analyzing session ", session
    sessiondir = filedir + session
    # get all blocks for this session
    blocks = os.listdir(sessiondir)
    if len(blocks) != 6: # error check on the directories
        print blocks
        print("Error in the # of blocks. There should be 5.")
    # loop through each block one at a time, analyze
    for i in range(0, 5):
        print "Analyzing block ", blocks[i], ' and ', blocks[i+1]
        print "-------------------------------------------------"
        firstblock = blocks[i]
        secondblock = blocks[i+1]
        firstblock_dir = sessiondir+'/'+firstblock
        secondblock_dir = sessiondir+'/'+secondblock
        # in each block, get list of word pairs from first and second block
        first_wordpairs = os.listdir(sessiondir+'/'+firstblock)
        second_wordpairs = os.listdir(sessiondir+'/'+secondblock)
        diff_word_group = []
        reverse_word_group = []
        probe_word_group = []
        target_word_group = []
        same_word_group = []
        # go through first block and assign pairs to different groups
        for idx, pair in enumerate(first_wordpairs):
#             print "Analyzing ", pair
            # obtain indices of: sameword, reverseword, differentwords, probeoverlap, targetoverlap
            same_word_index = find_same(pair, second_wordpairs)
            reverse_word_index = find_reverse(pair, second_wordpairs)
            diff_word_index = find_different(pair, second_wordpairs)
            probe_word_index = find_probe(pair, second_wordpairs)
            target_word_index = find_target(pair, second_wordpairs)
            # append to list groupings holding pairs of these word groupings
            if same_word_index != -1 and not inGroup(same_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[same_word_index]]):
                same_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[same_word_index]])
            if reverse_word_index != -1 and not inGroup(reverse_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[reverse_word_index]]): 
                reverse_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[reverse_word_index]])
            if diff_word_index != -1:
                if isinstance(diff_word_index, list): # if list, break it down and one pairing at a time
                    for diffI in diff_word_index:     # loop through each different word index
                        if not inGroup(diff_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[diffI]]):
                            diff_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[diffI]])
                    diff_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[diff_word_index]])
            if probe_word_index != -1 and not inGroup(probe_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[probe_word_index]]): 
                probe_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[probe_word_index]])
            if target_word_index != -1 and not inGroup(target_word_group, [pair, second_wordpairs[target_word_index]]):
                target_word_group.append([pair, second_wordpairs[target_word_index]])
        # end of loop through word pairs
    # end of loop through block
        # try some classifiers to see if we can determine diff vs. same, 
        ###### 01: Check same vs. different groups
        # loop through each word in first_wordpairs
        for word_pair in first_wordpairs:
            group_pairings = []
            check_diff = [item for item in diff_word_group if word_pair in item]
            check_same = [item for item in same_word_group if word_pair in item]
            # check if there is a match in diff_words_groups, reverse_words, probe_words and target_words
            if len(check_diff) > 0:
                if len(check_same) > 0:
                    # add group pairing for all 4 groups
#                     group_pairings.append(check_same[0])
            ## loop through the new pairing to perform classification analysis
            for jdx, group in enumerate(group_pairings):
                # extract features 
                first_feature_mat, second_feature_mat = extractFeatures_cla(group, session, firstblock, secondblock)
                # Create classes and feature vects
                features = np.append(first_feature_mat, second_feature_mat, axis=0)
                y = np.ones((first_feature_mat.shape[0],))
                y = np.concatenate((y, np.zeros((second_feature_mat.shape[0],))))
                print "Analyzing groups: ", group
                print("Accuracy for determining pair: ", group, " with #events: ", first_feature_mat.shape[0], ' and ',second_feature_mat.shape[0])
                for idx, cla in enumerate(classifiers):
                    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(features, y, test_size=0.5, random_state=0)
#                     try:
#                         pipe_cla = Pipeline([
#                               ('feature_selection', SelectFromModel(LinearSVC(penalty="l1"))),
#                               ('classification', cla)
#                             ])
#                         clf =, y_train)
#                     except:
#                         try:
#                             rfecv = RFECV(estimator=cla, step=1, scoring='accuracy')
#                             clf =, y_train)
#                         except:
#                             clf =, y_train)
#                     rfe = RFE(estimator=cla, n_features_to_select=10, step=1)
#                     clf =, y_train)
#                     ranking = rfe.ranking_.reshape(digits.images[0].shape)
                    # using a pipeline
#                     pipe_cla = Pipeline([
#                       ('feature_selection', SelectFromModel(LinearSVC(penalty="l1"))),
#                       ('classification', cla)
#                     ])
                    if np.isnan(X_train).any():
                        print X_train
                    clf =, y_train)
                    # no feature selection
#                     clf =, y_train)
                    loo = LeaveOneOut(len(features))
                    scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(clf, features, y, cv=loo)
                    accuracy[sdx,i,idx,] = [float(scores.mean()), float(scores.std())]
                    print("Accuracy of %s: %0.2f (+/- %0.2f)" % (names[idx], scores.mean(), scores.std() * 2))
            print "\n"
#         break # to only analyze 1 block
#     break # to only analyze 1 session

Analyzing session  session_1
Analyzing block  BLOCK_0  and  BLOCK_1
Analyzing groups:  ['BRICK_CLOCK', 'GLASS_PANTS']
('Accuracy for determining pair: ', ['BRICK_CLOCK', 'GLASS_PANTS'], ' with #events: ', 20, ' and ', 20)
[[ 17.04626426  22.00421114  12.97949082 ...,   6.73396683   3.40238468
 [ 18.12036561  22.21039424  13.2380968  ...,   6.7568015    2.89418096
 [ 20.55768528  19.46650835  14.42259339 ...,   8.27344337   5.84160041
 [ 20.51880616  20.75636694  16.13140316 ...,   5.73869417   2.07603021
 [ 20.18277519  19.13593499  13.51659363 ...,   3.34987926   0.93947187
 [ 18.89092048  17.12892137  10.71787545 ...,  -1.68851309  -7.08006154
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-46-517924805c13> in <module>()
    124                     if np.isnan(X_train).any():
    125                         print X_train
--> 126                     clf =, y_train)
    128                     # no feature selection

/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/pipeline.pyc in fit(self, X, y, **fit_params)
    162             the pipeline.
    163         """
--> 164         Xt, fit_params = self._pre_transform(X, y, **fit_params)
    165         self.steps[-1][-1].fit(Xt, y, **fit_params)
    166         return self

/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/pipeline.pyc in _pre_transform(self, X, y, **fit_params)
    143         for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]:
    144             if hasattr(transform, "fit_transform"):
--> 145                 Xt = transform.fit_transform(Xt, y, **fit_params_steps[name])
    146             else:
    147                 Xt =, y, **fit_params_steps[name]) \

/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/base.pyc in fit_transform(self, X, y, **fit_params)
    456         else:
    457             # fit method of arity 2 (supervised transformation)
--> 458             return, y, **fit_params).transform(X)

/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/feature_selection/from_model.pyc in fit(self, X, y, **fit_params)
    228         if not hasattr(self, "estimator_"):
    229             self.estimator_ = clone(self.estimator)
--> 230, y, **fit_params)
    231         return self

/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/svm/classes.pyc in fit(self, X, y)
    204         X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse='csr',
--> 205                          dtype=np.float64, order="C")
    206         check_classification_targets(y)
    207         self.classes_ = np.unique(y)

/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/utils/validation.pyc in check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse, dtype, order, copy, force_all_finite, ensure_2d, allow_nd, multi_output, ensure_min_samples, ensure_min_features, y_numeric, warn_on_dtype, estimator)
    508     X = check_array(X, accept_sparse, dtype, order, copy, force_all_finite,
    509                     ensure_2d, allow_nd, ensure_min_samples,
--> 510                     ensure_min_features, warn_on_dtype, estimator)
    511     if multi_output:
    512         y = check_array(y, 'csr', force_all_finite=True, ensure_2d=False,

/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/utils/validation.pyc in check_array(array, accept_sparse, dtype, order, copy, force_all_finite, ensure_2d, allow_nd, ensure_min_samples, ensure_min_features, warn_on_dtype, estimator)
    396                              % (array.ndim, estimator_name))
    397         if force_all_finite:
--> 398             _assert_all_finite(array)
    400     shape_repr = _shape_repr(array.shape)

/Users/adam2392/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/utils/validation.pyc in _assert_all_finite(X)
     52             and not np.isfinite(X).all()):
     53         raise ValueError("Input contains NaN, infinity"
---> 54                          " or a value too large for %r." % X.dtype)

ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64').

In [ ]:
print accuracy.shape
for sessI in range(0, accuracy.shape[0]):
    sesh_accuracy = np.squeeze(accuracy[sessI,:,:,:])
    # plot text indicating new session
    axes = plt.gca()
    ymin, ymax = axes.get_ylim()
    xmin, xmax = axes.get_xlim()
    plt.text((xmax-xmin)/4.5, (ymax-ymin)/2, r'Session %i'%(sessI), fontsize=20)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 12))
    for class_idx, cla in enumerate(classifiers):
        class_accuracy = np.squeeze(accuracy[sessI,:,class_idx,:])

        # plot errorbars for each classifier on all blocks within this session
        plt.subplot(len(classifiers), 1, class_idx+1)
        plt.errorbar(range(0, accuracy.shape[1]), class_accuracy[:,0], yerr = class_accuracy[:,1], hold=True, label=names[class_idx])
        plt.xlabel('block #')
        plt.ylabel('classification accuracy')
        plt.axhline(0.5, color='red', linestyle='--')
#         print class_accuracy.shape
#         break # only plot for 1 classifier
#     print sesh_accuracy.shape
#     break # only do it for 1 session


In [ ]:
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# load the iris datasets
dataset = datasets.load_iris()
# create a base classifier used to evaluate a subset of attributes
model = LogisticRegression()
# create the RFE model and select 3 attributes
rfe = RFE(model, 3)
rfe =,
# summarize the selection of the attributes

In [ ]:
# Feature Importance
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier
# load the iris datasets
dataset = datasets.load_iris()
# fit an Extra Trees model to the data
model = ExtraTreesClassifier(),
# display the relative importance of each attribute

In [ ]: